SEO Content writing tips for Ranking number # 1 in Google (2020)
SEO content writing tips for anyone who wants to rank higher in Google and here I will break it down the SEO secrets in this article.
So, don’t miss anything and read till the end for learning how to write SEO content for the website that rank number one in Google.
writing an SEO optimized article is not a rocket science and it’s not that difficult to master. If you have a strong understanding of the basics and ideas about Seo content writing is enough to go ahead.
Basically, I like the SEO game in the blogosphere. Because the hide and seek game of SEO factors in Google and I would like to outrank my competitors to rank.
The interesting fact about SEO is Google consider 200 factors to rank the page in the first place. Another interesting fact is nobody exactly knows what the 200 factors that are for ranking are.
All the SEO professionals (SEO gurus) are experimenting and finding what works with the search engine. There is no fixed rule to master the SEO Content writing.
Here I will discuss what the basics you should be strong are and what are the techniques I used in order to rank well in the search engine.
Below you can see the detailed explanation of SEO content writing tips video.
Take an example like Google as a girl you want to date:
Take an example that you want to date a girl and want her first preference. What will you do for her? Of course, you will try to impress her and you will show worthy you are.
Like that same here you Have to write Quality SEO contents for your readers and for Google. You have to show your authority with high quality and relevant backlinks to Google.
Remember the article you are writing should serve your audience first. Because Google gives more importance to the user experience.
“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first”
-Wendy Piersall
This is an example proverb that how much importance Google is giving to the user experience. Let me break it down how Google considers user experience from your site.
Google algorithms are designed to focus on click-through rate and Bounce ate.
What is Click through rate and how it affects Ranking?
Take an example that you wrote an article yesterday and it is ranking on the first page of Google. Because you are writing an excellent article and having authority backlink.
But you have an ugly headline and no one interest to read. Then very next day you are ranking will start a decline.
So, that the reason I am telling this because this is to make you understand the user experience and the importance of writing to your audience.
Read more on click-through rate
Bounce Rate:
Bounce rate is calculated by how much time the visitors have to spend on reading the article. If they go earlier then you are bounce rate will be higher.
Obliviously this is another important factor related to a user experience that Google consider to show your result on the search engine ranking page (SEP).
If the visitors are coming to your website and they don’t like your content then it becomes negative SEO and affects your ranking.
A solution for reducing Bounce rate:
Write the article that you are readers are not getting bored of it. Use a lot of statics and images in your content. Trust, me, one picture can tell Thousands of things.
Use videos in your content. So that average time the visitors spending on your website will increase.
Okay, before we are going to construct a huge building, we will make it the foundation should stronger means Basics of Seo need to be master.
When we come to SEO content writing then the article should be optimized for ON page and OFF page SEO factors. Next, I will tell what are the SEO factors you need to consider while SEO content writing.
On Page SEO factors for Seo content writing best practices
Google analysis the certain factor of the content and website to provide a relevant result to the user. On-page, SEO means the factors you can controllable within your website to improve the ranking.
On page SEO techniques:
1. Keyword research
Keywords are very important for SEO optimized content for Boost your traffic. A keyword is focused on what your audiences are searching for in the search engine.
Keywords are playing a vital role. Another important factor in keyword research is keyword density and focused keyword density that we will discuss later in this article.
The research tool I am using is SEMrush. You can get 7-day free trial by click here and signup through this link.
2.Meta description
The meta description is the summary and short description of your article that appears in the search engine result page (SERP) below URL. Here Drop your targeted keywords for Good SEO Content writing.
Make sure your description is not more than 300 characters so that user can see the full description. By seeing the below screenshot you can able to judge the important Meta Description in SEO.
There is the Search engine result page (SERP), the search term and the keyword is bolted in the meta description. So Gives important to meta description.
3.Alt text
Alt text refers to the word or phrase that is used in the picture to get indexed in the search engine. For example, if you named your picture as Chinese food then it will start rank for Chinese food related searches of image result.
4.Title Tag:
The title tag is an important factor like body content. A title tag is a subheading and main heading of your SEO content writing. H1, H2, and H3 are you can use in your article based on your requirement and the preference.
Page security is more important factors to consider in 2020 Google algorithm update. SSL is standing for Security socket layer (SSL) and it’s an important factor for your site is secured and trustworthy.
This ensures the information entered on the site is safe. In my own experience changing my site to https is actually boost my traffic and increased the ranking.
6.URL structure
Url structure also the one of the On-page SEO factor. So you have to contain the targeted keyword in the URL for good On page SEO.
Url structure allows the search engine to crawl all the page to page easily. You have to use Shorten URL and it’s a proven On page SEO strategy using shorten URL.
7.Internal Linking
Internal Linking is giving the link back to your other article on your blog. Link back to your other articles provides advantage like increasing user engagement on your blog and the user would like to visit the related post on your blog.
8.Page Performance
Some other factors include content quality, page performance and loading speed of the website. Website loading speed is holding some weight age in On page SEO.
If your website loading very slowly then user more likely to go back to your site and it increases your bounce rate. So, a good optimized and faster-loading website speed is very important.
You can reduce the image size, Using an important plug-in only and you can host your site at Good quality hosting provider. is powered by the siteground hosting provider.
So, I highly recommend siteground for its Good technical support and Good loading speed. (Click here to Get 60% offer on Site ground hosting)
OFF page technique for SEO Optimized content writing
Off-page SEO factor is opposite to on page SEO. In off page, SEO includes backlink from other website and social promotions of your website.
OFF page SEO Techniques:
The relevant and the quality of backlinks that your site is having is the biggest plus in your off page SEO. Undoubtedly backlinks are remaining the biggest SEO factors of all time. You can get relevant and quality backlinks by writing a quality guest post on a relevant site.
2.Domain Authority
Domain authority term is founded by Moz. It measures on a scale from 1 to 100, your domain authority is considered by the search engine to determine the popularity and strength of your website.
Website with the high domain authority is rank well in a search result than low authority sites.
The domain authority is calculated by how many sites are you linking to, domain age of your website and no 404 errors pages on the website. So, increase your domain authority by keeping on eye on these factors.
3.Social Sharing
Social promotions are getting a lot of clicks and increase your website traffic. Social sharing helps build natural links. So, Do consider sharing your articles on social media and active on social media. Social media is not only helping to boosts the traffic and also its helpful for Branding.
Okay alright, now we have built the foundation stronger. So, it’s time to discuss the SEO content writing tips that I personally follow to rank in the SERP.
SEO article writing tips for writing awesome content
There is no fixed rule for writing SEO content writing. If you follow these steps closely and you can able to rank higher on Google.
Tips #1 Keyword Research:
“If you are fail to plan, You are planning to fail”
Benjamin Franklin
Keyword research is a very important and the first step of Seo content writing tips. You should choose the right keyword for hitting the bull’s eye.
Keyword research involves many steps and starting from choosing you the seed keyword. Seed keyword is the problem that you want to solve through your article.
Choosing the long tail keywords is the best practices for SEO content writing. The purpose of the keyword research is you have to catch what your customer intent to search for in order to read your article.
The tools I am using for the keyword research is:
- Semrush
- Kwfinder
- Ubersuggest
- Keyword everywhere chrome extension
If you asked me one SEO tool that performs all the SEO activities like keyword research, Stealing competitors ranking keywords, Position tracking, Link building, and everything can do by SEMrush.
First choose your seed keyword first and check the competition. I will separate this keyword research into two categories below.
Profitable Keyword:
Profitable keyword means finding a keyword with high search volume and low competition.
It still possible to find the profitable keywords to rank for and I amazed a lot of times that people missed the profitable keyword.
If you are site is new and domain authority is low then don’t target high volume keyword in the beginning. If you do so then you burning your own hands in the fire.
It’s hard to outrank higher domain authority sites by the new site. So, always keep eye on search volume and competition of the keyword.
Keyword difficulty and Competition of the keyword:
This is another important thing you have to look at while Seo content writing. Use kwfinder to determine the difficulty of the keyword. It gives idea and percentage of difficult to go ahead and compete with the competitors.
Tips #2 Write through and long firm article
This is my second SEO article writing tips for SEO copywriting.
“The average Google first page result contains 1890 words”
You have to write a detailed and through an article about the particular subject. Take an example of Wikipedia; It’s almost rank all the single tail and difficult keywords in the first place.
Guess what? Because It provides a very detailed and informative guide for that particular subject. So, writing the long firm and the detailed article gives you success in your SEO strategy. This is most effective and results driven Seo content writing tips.
Tips #3 Focus keyword and keyword density
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on the page. It’s calculated by below formula,
Keyword density = (How many times you replaced a specific keyword (Nkn)) * 100
(the Total word in the article (Tkn))
Keyword density= Nkr/Tkn *100
= 10/1000 *100
K.D = 1%!!
If your article is a thousand word lengthier and the focus keyword appears 10 times then your keyword density is One (1) percent.
Don’t use the particular keyword a lot of times then it becomes keywords stuffing to Google’s eye. I recommended and following keyword density is 1 to 3 %.
Use keywords naturally, As I told you before user experience should be your first priority. This is the most effective and actionable Seo content writing tips.
Tips 4# write a kick-ass punchy headline
You click through ate depend on this. Create headlines with curiosity and it creates interest to read the article.
“On the average, Five times as many people read the headline as read the body content.
When you written your headline, you have spend your eighty percent out of your dollar”
-David Ogilvy
Some of my secret tips for eye catchy headlines:
- Use numbers on your headlines.
- Write the solution phrases that solve your reader’s problem.
- Use question terms like What, Why and How?
- Tell what benefit the reader get out of the article
You can change the headlines at any time and experiment it. I hope this small trick helps you o create an eye catchy headline.
Tips #5 Outreach for Backlinks
This is the off page SEO technique for you to boost your ranking. Once you published the content, it does not mean everything is done.
Here, you have to follow the 80/20 rule for promoting the content. Use an Ahref or SEMrush (7-day Free trial) tool to find the relevant backlink for your article and.
Reach the Blog owner and show your valuable content. If that person likes it then more likely to link to your article. If it’s not happened and it’s okay, reach more people. you will get results and likeminded people relationship too.
Like I told you before backlinks are having more weight for ranking and boosting the traffic. This is another Seo content writing tips.
Tips for Beginner: (Strategy for NewSite)
If you are sites new then it’s difficult to get backlinks. So, my suggestion is to use command backlink as a weapon to create the backlink.
Tips 6# promote in Social media:
Social media powerful tool to promote your content in the first place. Post your articles in relevant forums where you are the target audience are there.
Ask and request your thought leader to share your articles in social media for more audience engagement. So, Do more promotion in social media and follow 80/20 rule here. This is the most effective and actionable Seo content writing tips.
Tips #7 Write valuable content
Last, but not least, write for your audience first should be your ultimate purpose. It should answer their query and solve their problem. Don’t just write for Google. Focus on your audience first, trust me everything fell into place. The article you are writing should provide absolute value to your target audience.
These are the SEO content writing tips and strategy to boost your traffic and revenue. Another important thing about SEO is It’s a long-term strategy. This is the most effective and actionable Seo content writing tips.
So, think in the long-term vision like how it will change in the future. You can see below some of my research, expectation, and Prediction about the future of SEO.
Future of SEO
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a vital role:
The world becomes advanced with new technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence. So, today you have a better vision about when following strategy for SEO.
Always, produce informative and valuable content to engage with your audience.
Branding is so powerful. So, create great value through your brand. Brand your business or blog as well known one and yet touching the emotions of your audience.
These are the tips are I personally used and practiced in my SEO content writing. So, I hope it will provide a clear picture of how to write SEO content for the website. So, I highly recommend you too take action and generate more organic traffic.
All the best to keep writing your SEO content and keep on ranking in the first place.
Let me know your opinion on these tips. If you like it then share and care.
Very good article…..Gives good insights
Glad it’s helps you.
Very informative .
Welcome. Glad it helps. Keep on visiting our site.
hello Venkatesh,
this is indeed a very nice post you made here. i must say SEO has become the order of the day for both Online and Offline Business and hence with this very tips one can increase his/her site online presence and brings about organic traffic.
this was really helpful, thanks for sharing! have a nice day
Thank you elochi. happy like it my friend elochi. Hope you are doing good.
Thank you very much for this informative post. this helps me a lot , now my doubts are cleared. you explained very well. keep posting useful stuff like this. Good job.
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I have been using Grammarly for so long and it’s really helpful. You don’t need to look upon the spelling mistakes your own. This tool will do it for you.
The SEO audit is required to get a high ranking. Interlinking is one the best things. It would help you to reduce the bounce rate of your website.
That’s a good tip for our readers also. Well, keep it up your SEO strategy.
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Detailed right up Venkatesh, keep up the good work, great article. Thanks
Thank you.Glad you like it
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