Top 10 bloggers in India and Their income report

In this article, I am going to discuss the Top 10 bloggers in India and top earning blogs in India. This article will inspire you to Become the best blogger in the blogosphere.

I will show you what kind of monetization methods are they using and how much traffic their blogs are generating every month.

There are many professional bloggers are making their living through their blog. Once, you enter into blogging world then you have to realize that, you are not just a blogger and you are an entrepreneur.

Once, your blog starts making money then you should consider as a real business.

Note: Some of the blogger’s earnings are exact and some are estimated earnings. Cause, few of them only disclose their income to their readers.

In this analysis, I considered many blogs and bloggers. But finally, I picked best of best 10 bloggers here.

Their Monthly income is more than the manager and VP of the MNC companies. And their annual income lands between 3 to 4 crores.

“Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires”

                                                            -Bo Bennett


I hope now you are realizing the power of blogging. It can change anyone life.

Ok, let’s see the top earning bloggers in India.


  1. Harsh Agarwal: ([28 Lakhs per month (Exact earning)]

Harsh agarwal

He is India’s topmost blogger. And he is the well-known blogger in all over the world. He started his blog in the year 2008. He is writing about making money from blogging, SEO and WordPress issues.

Harsh is showing his income report every month to his readers. His transparency creates a lot of trust in his readers. Let’s harsh blog statics below.


Niche: Blogging tips, SEO, make money blogging, and WordPress issues

Exact earnings: $40055 ( 28 Lakhs per month)


Source of income: Affiliate marketing,  Adsense, Direct ads and Sponsored post

Domain Authority: 68

Monthly Traffic: 10,0000 lakhs views a month

Check his income report here

What you can learn from Harsh Agarwal:

  • Consistent is key:

In the past 10 years of his blogging life, he wrote more than 3000+ article in shoutmeloud blog alone. Other than that he has some other blog and may be written the guest post as well. So, he is consistently writing the quality article that solves the problem of his readers. So, if you are not consistent then learn from harsh Agarwal.

  • Traffic is directly proposed to income:

Shoutmeloud blog mostly getting organic traffic from Google than other social media. His blog is getting the love from Google. His monthly traffic is always in good numbers. 1 million page views a month is really a big number.

  • Value your readers

Harsh has a set of loyal audience to his blog and he has a forum for his community. His most of the post will help everyone to excel in the blogging game.


2) Amith Agarwal ( – [25 Lakh per month) (Estimated earnings)]


Amith Agarwal is the first professional blogger in India. He is the number one tech blogger in India. Amith Agarwal is inspiring everyone including harsh Agarwal to become a full-time blogger. He was worked in a US-based firm until 2004. After that, he quit his job and started and it’s become a great success. He is not only the top 10 bloggers in India and well-known tech blogger in the world.

Estimated Earning around: $30 000 to 40000

Source of income: Google AdSense, paid advertisement, own product and affiliate income

Domain authority: 78

Monthly traffic: 30 lakhs views a month

What you can learn from Amith Agarwal:

  • Hold your authority

It’s not compulsory when you started first and you will end up the race first. It’s really tough to hold that number one position in the particular niche. He still remains the category leader in technological topics.

  • Steady traffic provides stability

His monthly traffic is between 3 million to million views a month which is equal to the corporate website traffic. He is getting the love from Google search engine.


3)Shradha Sharma: ( 21 Lakh per month) (Estimated earnings)]

shradha sharma

She is only women entrepreneur is the top 10 bloggers in India list. Previously she worked as a vice president of  CNBC  TV18 and worked as a brand advisor at times of India.

Later she quits everything and started yourstory in 2008. Now, yourstory becomes India’s largest platform for the entrepreneur and startup stories. Yourstory is one of the top leading media websites in India. Yourstory is getting investment from the famous businessman like Ratan Tata.

Estimated Earning around: $30000

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 76

Monthly traffic: 34 lakhs views a month

What you can learn from Shraddha Sharma:

  1. The vision of the brand:

Shradha Sharma is identified and understand the market gap in the field of business stories in India. Now, her vision has become a huge success. So, we can learn this from Shraddha Sharma. Identified the market gap and fulfilled with the idea.

  1. Learn from your previous experience

Shradha Sharma’s previous corporate job is helped her to build a great platform in the media platform. So, learning from past experience is very important.


4)Anand Khanse [( 20 Lakh per month estimated)]

anand khanse

Anand khane started writing about windows tips and tricks in his blog in 2008. He has a larger audience all over the world. His blogs mostly earn from Adsense. He is another tech blogger in the top 10 bloggers in India list.


Estimated Earning around: $ 30000

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 71

Monthly traffic: 12 lakhs views a month

What you can learn from Anand Khanse

Age is not barred to succeed in the blogging world

Anand khanse is the example for there is no age limit for succeeding in blog space. He started blogging at the age 46 and then he establishes himself as a great blogger in the tech blogging space.


5)Kulwant Negi  ( 20Lakh per month]

kulwant negi

Kulwant Negi is started writing about affiliate marketing, make money blogging and SEO tips. He is the blogger, I know for thinking out of the box.  He tried all the traffic generating methods like paid ads and risky SEO methods. His skill and effort providing him great success in blogging space.

Estimated Earning around: [$30000 to $40000]

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 46

Monthly traffic: 1 lakhs view a month


6) Deepak kanakaraju ( [20 Lakhs a month- Estimated)

Digital deepak

He is the well known digital marketer from India and the top 10 bloggers. He is inspired me to start blogging journey. He is a digital marketing consultant and trainer. His blog, digital Deepak is helping anyone to learn digital marketing easily. His recently launched courses make some huge revenues (more than 1.5 crores) for his blogging business.

Estimated Earning around: $20000 to 30000

Source of income: Own product and Consulting

Domain authority: 37

Monthly traffic: 2 lakhs views a month


7) Varun Krishna ( (15 Lakh per month)

Varun krishna

Varun Krishna is writing about mobile technology reviews. He reviews all the latest phone and tablets in his blog. It’s not just India and famous tech blog in all across the world.

Estimated Earning around: $20000

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 69

Monthly traffic: 17 lakhs views a month


  8) Srinivas Tamada [( (14 lakh per month-Estimated)]

srinivas tamada

He is the founder of which is the most popular programming language. His blog is teaching programming languages like PHP, Ajax and other website development software.

Estimated Earning around: $20000

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 49

Monthly traffic: 1.2 lakhs views a month

9) Jitendra Vaswani [( (12 Lakh per moth-Estimated)]

jitendra vaswani

He is writing about blogging tips, hosting reviews and SEO techniques. Jitendra is also a digital marketer and owns a digital marketing agency. He is a well-known blogger all across the world.

Estimated Earning around: $15000 to 20000

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 48

Monthly traffic: 2 lakhs views a month


10)Anil Agarwal [( (Exactly 7.5 Lakhs per month)]


He is another Blogging tips and SEO related blog in India. Anil Agarwal is started his blogging journey in the year of 2010. His blog has a decent reader base.

Exact Earning: $10212 per month

Source of income: Google Adsense, paid advertisement and Brand sponsorship

Domain authority: 51

Monthly traffic: 1.6 lakhs views a month



The main motto of this article to inspire you and let you know the potential power of the blogging. Top 10 bloggers in India are from tech niche or online marketing niche.

These are the bloggers from nowhere and sign in blogging by their hard work and persistence. If you are really passionate and dedicated about blogging game, if they can do it then you can too.

I hope, you enjoyed the article and share to your friends to motivate them to do better. Let me know in the command section about your small and big success in blogging?


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Published by Venkatesh

Author name is Venkatesh. He is an engineer by Education and Blogger by passion. The vision of this blog is to help people to succeed in blogging journey and help them to make money from their blog.

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  1. Really inspiring article for beginners blogger…I want to ask you one question… what is the difference between page views and traffic?
    Let me know.

  2. Hey Venkatesh,

    Awesome and inspiring post.
    I think labnol is one of the oldest blogs here. He started the Labnol back in 2004 when very few people in India knew about the internet.

    Thank you for the inspiration

    Keep up the good work


  3. Nice post I also want to be a most successful person so sir give me some important tips to grow my website which help me to grow my traffic, sir please check out my blogger page. If I did some mistake message me on my Gmail account.

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