Web hosting buying guide – ​how to choose a web hosting provider?

Web Hosting buying Guide =How to choose the right hosting provider

Website hosting comes in all sizes, shapes, and plans. You need to choose the one that is suitable for your requirements. However, before doing so, always research the cost and benefits Given below are the ten web hosting facts you need to keep in mind before selecting it for your website.

1. Web Hosting Cost

Price is one of the most important aspects that need to be considered. Before choosing a cheap web host company, you must evaluate your budget.

This will help you to draw a line between all competitors. Web hosting plans are available at different prices ranges from low-cost, medium to high end, and it depends on your requirements the type of project you are to choose for your business site. 

Check all the features before settling for a web hosting company. Don’t just settle down for a cheap web hosting, as it may not be useful in quality.

2. Customer Support

Customer support is a broad term as far as web hosting is concerned. Usually, it includes hardware, server administration, internet connection, and general system maintenance.

The site owner chooses the technologies such as PHP or ASP.Net which are used as server-side languages. This means that your hosting provider needs to provide what you as a web owner wants. Generally, you are to consider the following things:

  • Live Chat
  • Phone Support
  • Email Support
  • Response Time
  • Business Related Queries


Support is a big topic, and every hosting provider offers different features.

When choosing a plan, don’t forget to ask the provider about how they offer support in handling specific issues. For an enterprise-level client, try to make your concerns a part of your contract. Always remember that help is crucial to your site’s performance.

3. Communication

Communication is key. Select the hosting provider that shares regular emails. Emails can address topics such as the company’s performance and technological trends etc.

Some other communication topics include blog topics, forums, and social media discussions, etc. Make sure the hosting provider sends notifications about the web maintenance and security updates on the site’s server.

4. Features

Web Hosting buying Guide

Features are what you need to review before finalizing a hosting provider. Some common questions to get information about the necessary features include:

  • The Compatible Technologies
  • Email Auto-respondents
  • Bandwidth Options
  • Control Panel
  • Custom DLLs or Packages
  • Email
  • Subdomains
  • Reseller Programs

Evaluate your hosting provider based on these features. Check if the hoster stays up to date with the latest trends. As mentioned above, don’t settle down for the cheapest hosting company.

Look for the one that offers the most features at an economical cost.

5. Hosting Types

There are different hosting types that you can choose based on your needs. Hosting types are briefly shared below:

Shared Hosting: This one is a low-cost option and is suited to small business owners and freelancers. Price starts from $20 per month.

Medium-level hosting focuses on small to midsize businesses — price range from $50 to $500 per month. The hosting plans include shared hosting and virtual dedicated server plans.

the plans can be physical and virtual.

Enterprise-level is the highest level of hosting and costs from hundreds to thousands of dollars per month. This comes under managed hosting, and the hosting provider owns the equipment for which you pay the rent.

Always check for hardware replacement to ensure your hosting provider is using new equipment instead of an old one.

Cloud hosting Cloud is a virtual hosting type and must be reviewed when evaluating web hosting.

Different service providers offer various features such as bandwidth, disk space, and server processing in their cloud hosting type. This hosting type is becoming popular with time.

6. Security

Hosting needs to be secure since it is holding your website’s confidential and public details.

There are specific security questions you need to ask your hosting provider to ensure a safe and secure space for your business website.

7. Host Size

Always evaluate the hosting size based on domains, turnover rates, and customers. Low-cost hosting type has more clients, whereas large hosts are interested in long term relationship success.

Another way to measure the host’s size is to check for data centers, and the way equipment is deployed.

8. Length of Time in Business

If a company has several years of experience at its back, it is a good sign.

If a company has completed ten years, then those are equal to 30 years as things in the internet and web industry change so fast, companies that do not keep up with the changing trends fade away quickly.

9. Limits

Always inquire about your bandwidth limit to avoid paying for extra charges. The bandwidth usage by a site depends on the type of content it deals with.

For example static and database-driven sites don’t use bandwidth that much, whereas music and video data increase the amount quickly.

Other things to look for include disk space and memory limit. Try to find a host that offers unlimited bandwidth and disk space.

10. Location

Location is primary when it comes to web hosting. It has an impact on the site’s performance. For example, if your customers are in Germany and your hosting provider is in the United States, you need to assess your client’s experience.

Check with the clients that are from another country. Also, check for network carriers when researching location. The number of Tier1 connections a host has decided web’s availability in compromised situations.

Web hosting has many variations. You must fully understand your requirements to decide the right website hosting services for your business.

Published by Venkatesh

Author name is Venkatesh. He is an engineer by Education and Blogger by passion. The vision of this blog is to help people to succeed in blogging journey and help them to make money from their blog.

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