8 Myths About The Production Of A Thesis
Myths About The Production the Thesis
Upon passing the last exam or subject, comes the long-awaited moment to develop a thesis, the final challenge to obtain the degree.
At this stage, many students feel anxious and fearful about how the work will turn out, due to the pressure and expectations that exist around their production.
Much of what is expected in a thesis is nothing more than a popular myth, but its extension has meant that some thesis students fail to enjoy the process of developing their work properly. At Edupeet you will find all the guidance to write a thesis.
When starting a thesis, it is impossible not to feel anxiety and nerves about the project , but keep in mind that this, like many other jobs, is part of the academic life of the university and is very useful to acquire a unique experience relating a subject that interests us to an investigation, that will be our professional propeller .
In the elaboration of a project of this type, it is important to be committed and ambitious, but also realistic, so it is necessary to be very clear about the limitations of the issue itself.
Care must be taken that the topic is interesting, but above all feasible, and can be approached and understood by a student.
Around the elaboration of a thesis, there are many mysteries and fears, although, in reality, it is nothing more than the posing of a problem, a Methodology and an investigation about it.
Our culture is stubborn, however, in making the thesis something mystical, which feeds the fears and myths around it and generates in the student’s many doubts about its realization and its own capacity to face a work of this type, that directly affects the professional quality of each educational center.
1- More quantity, better quality:
it is considered at the popular level that the more pages and weight a thesis have, the more important the work will be.
This is undoubtedly a myth because although size and extension may be relevant, the economy of language is better rewarded.
2- A complex language is better:
An extended belief says that the more complex the language in a thesis, the better. This is not true, especially if we look for a scientific approach in which the language should be simple and clear.
Do not confuse the reader, you have to share in each finding.
3- Introductions of introductions:
It became popular to justify and explain some points as introductions, justifications, and objectives, making the first chapters of the theses increasingly extensive.
This is not necessary since the first chapter should be only a brief and clear introduction to the research problem.
4- A hypothesis is necessary:
It is one of the most widespread myths because the hypothesis is not a requirement for a thesis.
Not all theses have the same scientific approach, this depends on the topic and the methodology for the research, therefore, the thesis may or may not have hypotheses.
5- It must be a relevant contribution:
The idea of “relevant contribution” makes students believe that if they do not discover something incredible, it is not worthy of a thesis. But this conception is a myth. The thesis does not seek discoveries but is a process of reflection and learning.
6- You have to think about the thesis once the semester is over:
This is a myth that leads to an error. It is not necessary to finish the last semester of studies to elaborate the thesis, in fact, it is recommended that the sooner we start with the process, the better, so we can have more time for research.
7- The theses take a long time:
It is estimated that a full-time thesis must take between 3 and 6 months if it has an average length of 60 pages. If it extends much more is my own decision, but commonly they are not very long processes that take years to finish.
8- The more references, the better:
It is another myth around theses. Remember that references are indications to work and research on the subject, so they should not be suggestive, but specific. The list of references should be moderate, especially if we elaborate on a thesis.
These are the myths about producing the thesis. I hope this article helps you. If you like it then share with your friends. If you have doubt ask us in command.